3 visions de la "Glocalisation"



Le In-House Counsel World Summit aura lieu pour la première fois en Europe cet automne. Paris et l’AFJE seront les hôtes de ce sommet d’envergure internationale les 24 et 25 octobre 2016.

Ce grand événement réunira près de 300 directions juridiques venues du monde entier pour échanger les savoir-faire et les bonnes pratiques autour du thème "In-house Counsel Going Glocal".  Stéphanie Couture, Geoffrey Creighton, President, In-House Counsel Worldwide,  & Olivier Chaduteau, Managing Partner de Day One, partagent leur vision de ce sujet. 


Glocalisation is a constant aspect of our practice


by Stéphanie Couture, Administrator at AFJE (French Corporate Counsel Association), ICWS16 Scientific committee & General Counsel

When I was asked to be responsible for the scientific program of the summit I felt compelled to insure a common thread linked all the workshops and plenaries to a subject touching the in-house counsel in the international aspect of their practice.

As this summit is one of the few real international events bringing together in-house counsel from all over the world through the various national and regional organisations of legal practitioners in corporations and organisations the theme should be overreaching and practical at the same time. Looking at the concept of glocalisation used by my CEO in the recent past, I was immediately touched by how, globalisation of commerce, trading and economy affected our practice as in-house counsel while engaging us to adapt constantly to local cultures, legislation and practices. It became clear that this subject was a constant aspect of our practice through all spheres of our activities and therefore our legal strategy.

The sponsors and moderators approached to build this summit have all understood and adhered to this theme with energy and passion confirming the broad reach and depth of glocalisation in our practice.

Pour lire la suite : http://www.afje.org/info/glocalisation-is-a-constant-aspect-of-our-practice 


"Glocal when you least expect it" 


by Geoffrey D. Creighton, President, In-House Counsel Worldwide (ICW), Principal at GC Counsel Canada & BlackRock Independent Review Committee

When we speak of “glocal”, it is usually shorthand for the adaptation of a global business to the requirements of local legal and regulatory requirements. But the tension between global and local can also manifest itself in two other, less obvious, ways – even within one’s home jurisdiction.

One is the local effect of global legal developments; the other is the global effect of local legal developments.

As to the first, more and more local courts are citing international law – for example, Oxford’s database of “International Law in Domestic Courts” has more than 1400 decisions from 94 countries, in courts worldwide. And quite apart from strictly legal application, developing norms of international conduct, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, can influence public perception – and create domestic political pressure – in such areas as environmental, human rights and industrial relations.

This local effect of global developments is relatively benign – it leaves courts and governments the discretion to adopt changes suited to their own situations...

Pour lire la suite : http://www.afje.org/info/glocal-when-you-least-expect-it


Legal Is Glocal!


By Olivier Chaduteau,  Managing Partner at Day One

Following the internationalization of the economy, legal has been moving, over the past 25 years, from a local to an international function. Now, with the process of globalization legal is not only becoming global but ‘glocal’.

As stated Thomas Friedman in 2005, “the world is flat". His book was the very first and perfect synthesis of a multi-dimensional process which started during the 1980s, called “globalization”. According to the IMF, “ ‘globalization’ is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through movement of goods, services, and capital across borders. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. There are also broader cultural, political, and environmental dimensions of globalization”. By analyzing the evolution of the legal function one can be astonished in realizing that it has been following the very same trend. At first, legal was a local function, helping organization to comply with local rules, laws and regulations. At one point legal was either local or international, while companies started to serve international markets. As post World-War II economies entered into international trade of goods and services, financial integration and then, “foreign direct investment, increased trade in intermediate products, international outsourcing of services, and international movement of persons (…) international spread of ideas, from consumer tastes to intellectual ideas” legal definitely became global. For Ben Heineman, in his latest book, globalization increased “complex commercial problems in multiple jurisdictions”. But with the impact of globalization, legal is now everywhere in our society and our organizations. It is not local or global anymore, it is local AND global, thus “glocal”.

Pour lire la suite : http://www.afje.org/info/legalisglocal

Publié le 17/10/2016
